In BC, the first weekend in August is a long weekend, celebrating BC Day. It's also the same weekend as Pride, a celebration of the LGBTQ community. Some of these books are political, some of them are academic, some of them are by LGBTQ-identified authors, others just include LGBTQ characters.

How Poetry Saved My Life
A Hustler's Memoir

Gender Failure

Quixotic Erotic

Exile and the Heart
lesbian fiction

All Ways Butch and Femme

One in Every Crowd

Money Boy

Missed Her

Butch Is a Noun

The Nearest Exit May Be Behind You

Blood, Marriage, Wine & Glitter

First Person Queer
Who We Are (So Far)

The Future is Queer
A Science Fiction Anthology

The View from Here
Conversations with Gay and Lesbian Filmmakers

Queer Theatre in Canada

Queer Looks
Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video

Queer Judgments
Homosexuality, Expression, and the Courts in Canada

In a Queer Country
Gay & Lesbian Studies in the Canadian Context

To Sappho, My Sister
Lesbian Sisters Write about their Lives

Countering the Myths
Lesbians Write about the Men in Their Lives
An Anthology of Lesbian Writing

Lesbian and Gay Rights in Canada
Social Movements and Equality-Seeking, 1971-1995

Out on the Field
Gender, Sport and Sexualities

Pushing the Limits
Disabled Dykes Produce Culture