About Clayton Nguyen CLAYTON NGUYEN is an illustrator and animation student at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario, Canada. Books by Clayton Nguyen The Journey of the Ancestors' Gifts by (author) Linda Trinh illustrated by Clayton Nguyen Ages 6 to 9 Grades 1 to 4 The Journey of the Ancestors' Gifts (The Nguyen Kids Book 4) by (author) Linda Trinh illustrated by Clayton Nguyen Ages 6 to 9 Grades 1 to 4 The Mystery of the Painted Fan narrator Linda Trinh illustrated by Clayton Nguyen Ages 6 to 9 Grades 1 to 4 The Power of the Pearl Earrings by (author) Linda Trinh illustrated by Clayton Nguyen Resources Resources Ages 6 to 9 Grades 1 to 4 The Secret of the Jade Bangle narrator Linda Trinh illustrated by Clayton Nguyen Resources Resources Ages 6 to 9 Grades 1 to 4