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Children's Fiction Music

Une fête sous la lune

L'extraordinaire voyage de la bande à Bébert

illustrated by Marianne Ferrer

other primary creator Jérôme Minière

by (author) Christiane Duchesne

The Secret Mountain
Initial publish date
Sep 2021
Music, Friendship
Recommended Age
3 to 5
Recommended Grade
p to k
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Sep 2021
    List Price

Classroom Resources

Where to buy it


Une fête sous la lune (A Party Under the Moon) is the sequel to Un pique-nique au soleil (A Picnic in the Sun), comprised of a narrated story in French interspersed with twenty original and traditional songs. The story introduces us to four inseparable friends who fled torrential rains for a new life at the top of the Blue Mountain. Here, Bebert and his buddies will meet a little girl named Alice who appears to have the magical power to take them on a wild ride up high in the sky amongst the shooting stars. It’s time to sing their hearts out as they circle the moon and have the party of their life! In addition to an illustrated story, this book is accompanied by a CD featuring recordings of the narrated story and 18 songs along with unique code for the digital download of the audio.

About the authors

Originaire du Venezuela, Marianne Ferrer a immigré au Canada en 1998. Après avoir étudié l’illustration et le design au cégep Dawson à Montréal, elle a poursuivi ses études en design graphique à l’Université du Québec à Montréal, où elle habite toujours. Marianne a illustré de nombreux ouvrages, notamment Toucania (Monsieur Ed), Mel and Mo's Marvelous Balancing Act (Annick Press) et The Invisible Garden (Orca)Son style est empreint de charme, de délicatesse et de profondeur.


Marianne Ferrer's profile page

Jérôme Minière's profile page


Christiane Duschesne est originaire de Montréal. Elle a écrit pour la télévision, le cinéma et la radio en plus de mener une carrière d’écrivaine pour la jeunesse. Elle a remporté le prix du Gouverneur général en 1990 et en 1992 pour les livres La Vraie histoire du chien de Clara Vic et Victor. Christiane a également traduit plus de 500 livres, dont les albums tant appréciés de Robert Munsch.


Christiane Duchesne hails from Montreal. She has written for television, film, and radio in addition to her work in children’s publishing. Her works La vraie histoire du chien de Clara Vic and Victor won the Governor General’s Award for Children’s Literature in 1990 and 1992, respectively. Christiane has also translated over 500 titles, including the beloved Robert Munsch picture books.


Christiane Duchesne's profile page

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