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The Lord's Distant Vineyard

A History of the Oblates and the Catholic Community in British Columbia

by (author) Vincent J. McNally

The University of Alberta Press, Western Canadian Publishers
Initial publish date
Aug 2000
Recommended Age
Recommended Grade
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Aug 2000
    List Price

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Dr. McNally critically examines well over 150 years of Oblate and general Catholic history in Canada's western-most province with special emphasis on the Native people and Euro-Canadian settlers. It is the first survey history of the Catholic Church in British Columbia.

About the author

Editorial Reviews

"Vincent McNally's monograph, published under the auspices of Oblate Project, is a sweeping and passionately written overview of the history of the Catholic Church in British Columbia and will justifiably become the standard reference work for professional historians, students, and those just simply interested in religion, missiology, or the Canadian west.... McNally is a tireless researcher, who has probed deeply into the primary sources, but who has considerable insight into how these rich sources materials must be read within the broader historical context of European Catholicism and its eventual importation into Canada and the United States. With considerable intellectual skill and a vigorous narrative, McNally invites us into a world in which the stories of Euro-Canadian missionaries, French- and Scottish-Canadian fur traders, American capitalists, ambitious churchmen, and numerous First Nations Peoples, are woven together into a vibrant and controversial social tapestry.... McNally's survey is not for the faint of heart, nor in any way does it smack of Catholic trimphalism.... The Lord's Distant Vineyard will be the subject of considerable debate in both Oblate and historical circles for years to come; this is a credit to the significance of the book, and the talent and insight of its author." Mark McGowan, The Catholic Historical Review

"....Its distinctiveness derives from the critical edge that pervades McNally's writing and spares neither the church's policies nor its clergy.... McNally has produced a thoroughly researched and well-written book that deserves to be consulted for its sharply critical accounts of missionary activity and of church social policy in British Columbia."

"... those who want to know how the Catholic church in B.C. was formed will want to delve into this useful work."

"McNally's book provides more than historical recitation. He well recounts the story, but his assessments of what took place provide an important and serious wake-up call.. To read this book is to be confronted with a reality, shorn of propaganda and pious sentiment, that is both a bitter pill and a harbinger of hope." Wayne Holst, Catholic New Times

Librarian Reviews

The Lord’s Distant Vineyard: A History of the Oblates and the Catholic Community in British Columbia

While The Lord’s Distant Vineyard provides a comprehensive history of the Catholic Church in BC and more particularly the role of the Oblates in this history, the most pertinent parts of the book deal with aspects of residential schools. The original intention, as well as the distortion and deviation from this, is described. McNally’s account, as well as being a reasoned and researched critique, provides a timely “insiders” assessment of this topic.

Caution: References to First Nations and Aboriginal peoples as “noble savages” occur in historical context.

Source: The Association of Book Publishers of BC. Canadian Aboriginal Books for Schools. 2008-2009.