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Family & Relationships Teenagers

Teens Gone Wired

Are You Ready?

by (author) Lyndsay Green

Dundurn Press
Initial publish date
Aug 2011
Teenagers, General, Personal & Practical Guides
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Aug 2011
    List Price
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Aug 2011
    List Price

Classroom Resources

Where to buy it


The digital revolution has left many parents feeling intimidated by the world their teens inhabit and they worry that they lack the experience to parent effectively. Teens Gone Wired: Are You Ready? examines today’s parenting challenges from the totality of the teen experience. The book combines advice from dozens of parents and teens with a wealth of recommended sources, including links to many online support systems. All of the key debates that parents are having with their wired teens are discussed, including:

  • Fun vs. Obsession
  • Sharing vs. Indiscretion
  • Forging an Identity vs. Performing for an Audience
  • Real Friends vs. Virtual Friends
  • Sexual Well-Being vs. Sexual Health
  • Privacy vs. Anonymity
  • Education vs. Entertainment
  • Your Teen’s Issues vs. Your Own Issues

By recounting stories from families who’ve been there and providing practical tips, the book shores up parents’ confidence and gives parents the tools they need to raise today’s teens. Green emphasizes the critical role for parents in mediating their teens’ experiences with both the digital and the real world. While the book is unflinching in acknowledging the trials that parents face today, it supports the author’s optimism that parents are not only capable of doing a good job, they can have fun along the way.

About the author

LYNDSAY GREEN is a pioneering sociologist who spent her career helping people use communications technologies for learning, working with groups as diverse as the World Bank, the National Film Board and the Inuit of Canada. She has turned her research skills and knowledge of new technologies to finding out what boomers should be doing to ensure they have a successful old age. The American textbook Computers and Information Systems calls Ms. Green an “information agent of the future.” Peter Mansbridge interviewed Lyndsay for his CBC show One on One and had this to say about You Could Live a Long Time: “It’s full of advice, really good advice, that you’ll be grateful you took when you hit those golden-plus years.”

Lyndsay Green's profile page

Editorial Reviews

Amust-read for parents of today’s teenagers.Green deftly demystifies the social impact of the wired world.

Michael Adams, author of Stayin' Alive

Green is indisputably an expert in an emerging, ever-changing field.

Montreal Gazette

As a doctor, I recommendGreen’s book as essential reading for parents who seek to connect with their teen.

Dr. Ainslie Gray, MD. Springboard Clinic, Toronto