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Children's Fiction Country Life

Caillou at the Sugar Shack

adapted by Carine Laforest

illustrated by Mario Allard

Chouette Publishing, Inc.
Initial publish date
Jan 2018
Country Life, Media Tie-In, General, Cooking & Food
Recommended Age
3 to 18
Recommended Grade
p to 1
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jan 2018
    List Price

Classroom Resources

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When Caillou's family makes a springtime visit to Jonas' ranch, he takes them on a sleigh ride to a maple forest where Caillou discovers how the maple sap is collected from maple trees. At the sugar shack, Caillou learns about the maple syrup transformation process. But the best surprise is outside, when Jonas pours the hot syrup on the snow and everyone gets to enjoy Caillou's new favorite treat, maple toffee!

About the authors

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