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Children's Nonfiction Hockey

Biographie-BD-Hockey : Sidney Crosby

by (author) Lorna Schultz Nicholson

illustrated by David Bishop

Scholastic Canada Ltd
Initial publish date
Mar 2025
Hockey, Olympics, Sports & Recreation
Recommended Age
7 to 12
Recommended Grade
2 to 7
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Mar 2025
    List Price

Classroom Resources

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See below for English description.

Capitaine d’une equipe de la LNH qui a remporte la coupe Stanley deux annees consecutives et trois fois medaille d’or avec Equipe Canada, Sidney Crosby est un joueur extremement talentueux et determine, tant sur la glace qu’en dehors.


Sidney Crosby est le pilier des Penguins de Pittsburgh depuis 19 saisons (et ce n’est pas fini!), qu’il a menes a trois victoires de la coupe Stanley. Il a remporte les trophees Art Ross, Hart Memorial, Maurice « Rocket » Richard et Conn Smythe a deux reprises, ainsi que le prix Ted Lindsay a trois reprises. Il a aussi recu de nombreux honneurs, dont celui d’etre nomme au sein de l’Ordre du Canada. Sur la scene internationale, Sidney a aide le Canada a remporter l’or olympique a deux reprises, l’or au Championnat du monde de hockey junior et l’or au Championnat du monde, et il est le seul joueur a avoir ete capitaine des equipes victorieuses a chaque niveau.


La serie Biographie-BD-Hockey plonge dans la vie et le parcours sportif des meilleurs joueurs du monde. A l’aide de photos, de textes et de sequences de bandes dessinees illustrees, les partisans aimeront decouvrir les exploits de Sidney Crosby et les obstacles qu’il a surmontes pour y parvenir


Captain of a back-to-back Stanley Cup-winning NHL team and member of the Triple Gold club, Sidney Crosby is a player of extreme talent and determination, both on and off the ice.


Sidney Crosby has been the linchpin of the Pittsburgh Penguins for nineteen seasons (and counting!), leading them to three Stanley Cup victories. He has won the Art Ross, the Hart Memorial, the Maurice “Rocket” Richard and the Conn Smythe trophies twice, the Ted Lindsay Award three times, and has received many honours, including being named to the Order of Canada. Internationally, Sidney has helped Canada win Olympic gold twice, World Junior gold and World Championship gold, and he is the only player ever to have captained the winning teams at each level.


The Biographie-BD-Hockey series takes a deep dive into the lives and athletic journeys of the best players in the game. Through photos, text, and illustrated comic sequences, fans will love learning about Sidney’s achievements and the hurdles he overcame to get there.


Original Title: Amazing Hockey Stories: Sidney Crosby

About the authors


LORNA SCHULTZ NICHOLSON a grandi à St. Catharines, en Ontario. Enfant, elle aimait lire, écrire et jouer à plusieurs sports. Elle a joué en tant que défenseure dans une équipe de hockey féminine et elle était membre de l'équipe nationale d'aviron. Elle est une auteure reconnue de livres destinés aux pré-ados et ados, de la série d'albums illustrés Puckster et de plusieurs livres documentaires sur le hockey. Lorna habite à Edmonton, en Alberta.


LORNA SCHULTZ NICHOLSON grew up in St. Catharines, Ontario, and as a child loved to read, write and compete in all kinds of sports. She is the respected author of many middle-grade and YA novels, the Puckster picture book series, and several non-fiction books about hockey, including the Amazing Hockey Stories series. Lorna lives in Edmonton, Alberta with her family. Not surprisingly, she is a HUGE Edmonton Oilers fan. Visit her online at


Lorna Schultz Nicholson's profile page

DAVID BISHOP a toujours voulu faire des bandes dessinees... et maintenant il en cree! Il est ne a Montreal, a grandi a Brampton, en Ontario, et habite maintenant a Pickering. Il signe les illustrations des livres de la serie True Patriot Presents tout en travaillant sur sa propre serie de bandes dessinees, Of Stone.


DAVID BISHOP always wanted to make comics . . . and now he does! He was born in Montreal, grew up in Brampton and now resides in Pickering, Ontario. He has recently illustrated for the Chapterhouse series True Patriot Presents and writes and draws his own comic series, Of Stone. D.A. Bishop also enjoys oil painting and just hanging out with his wife and two kids. Visit him online at

David Bishop's profile page

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