Browse Books in Sports & Recreation

Kispiox River Journal

The Battle of Alberta
A Century of Hockey's Greatest Rivalry

Contemporary Fly Patterns of British Columbia

Famous British Columbia Fly-Fishing Waters

Proven Cruising Routes
Precise Courses to Steer: Seattle to Ketchiken

GPS Instant Navigation
From Basic Techniques to Electronic Charting

Fishing in Western Canada
A Freshwater Guide

Fly Pattern Encyclopedia
Federation of Fly Fishing

Tungsten John
The South Nahanni River by Foot and Bicycle

Paddle to the Arctic
The Incredible Story of a Kayak Quest Across the Roof of the World
Hiker Mike's Best Hikes
The Megacity and Beyond

Hiking Ontario's Heartland
Trails of Halifax Regional Municipality

SuperGuide: Basic Mountain Safety from A to Z

Tommy Burns
Canada's Unknown World Heavyweight Champion

Puck Stoppin' Trivia
Great Goalies Galore!

Hockey Heroes: Teemu Selanne

Idleness, Water, and a Canoe
Reflections on Paddling for Pleasure

Wild About Horses
Our Timeless Passion for the Horse
The Figure Skating Book
A Young Person's Guide To Figure Skating

Hello Hockey Fans From Coast to Coast
Amazing List for Trivia Lovers

Falconry Uncommon

Godforsaken Sea
Racing The World's Most Dangerous Waters