Browse Books in General

Under the Weather
Reimagining Mobility in the Climate Crisis

Constructing the Family
Marriage and Work in Nineteenth-Century English Law

Canadian Labour Policy and Politics

Imagining Sociology
An Introduction with Readings

Cripping Intersex

Canadian Club
Birthright Citizenship and National Belonging

Power Played
A Critical Criminology of Sport

What Nudism Exposes
An Unconventional History of Postwar Canada

Gender and Sexuality Development
Contemporary Theory and Research

On Target
Gun Culture, Storytelling, and the NRA

Jobs with Inequality
Financialization, Post-Democracy, and Labour Market Deregulation in Canada

What We Are
The Evolutionary Roots of Our Future

Pathways to Ruin?
High-Risk Offending over the Life Course

Multiple Barriers
The Multilevel Governance of Homelessness in Canada

Changing of the Guards
Private Influences, Privatization, and Criminal Justice in Canada

Front-Wave Boomers
Growing (Very) Old, Staying Connected, and Reimagining Aging

The High North
Cannabis in Canada

Middle Power in the Middle East
Canada's Foreign and Defence Policies in a Changing Region

Simply Institutional Ethnography
Creating a Sociology for People
Personal but Not Private
Queer Women, Sexuality, and Identity Modulation on Digital Platforms

Under Siege
Islamophobia and the 9/11 Generation

Critical Research Methodologies
Ethics and Responsibilities

In Defence of Wealth
A Modest Rebuttal to the Charge the Rich Are Bad for Society

Global Migration, Gender, and Health Professional Credentials
Transnational Value Transfers and Losses