Browse Books in Social Work

Quality of Life Among Cancer Survivors
Challenges and Strategies for Oncology Professionals and Researchers

Becoming Strong
Impoverished Women and the Struggle to Overcome Violence

Becoming Strong
Impoverished Women and the Struggle to Overcome Violence

Today's Youth and Mental Health
Hope, Power, and Resilience

The Wetiko Legal Principles
Cree and Anishinabek Responses to Violence and Victimization

Ethics in Everyday Places
Mapping Moral Stress, Distress, and Injury

Erving Goffman et le travail social

Security, Legality, and an Ethic of Care in an Emergency Shelter

Immigrant Youth in Canada
Theoretical Approaches, Practical Issues, and Professional Perspectives

Reimagining Anti-Oppression Social Work Research

Reimagining Anti-Oppression Social Work Practice

Strengths-Based Child Protection
Firm, Fair, and Friendly

Succeeding Together?
Schools, Child Welfare, and Uncertain Public Responsibility for Abused or Neglected Children

Strengths-Based Child Protection
Firm, Fair, and Friendly

Responding to the Oppression of Addiction, Third Edition
Canadian Social Work Perspectives

Practising Social Work Research
Case Studies for Learning, Second Edition

Working with Immigrants and Refugees
Issues, Theories, and Approaches for Social Work and Human Service Practice

Doing Anti-Oppressive Practice, Third Edition
Social Justice Social Work

No Home in a Homeland
Indigenous Peoples and Homelessness in the Canadian North

Advocacy in Practice
Creating a Culture of Social Change in the Human Services

Social Work Ethics
Progressive, Practical, and Relational Approaches

Contesting Elder Abuse and Neglect
Ageism, Risk, and the Rhetoric of Rights in the Mistreatment of Older People

Queering Social Work Education

Transforming Child Welfare
Interdisciplinary Practices, Field Education, and Research