Browse Books in Popular Culture

Canadian Television Today

Killing Women
The Visual Culture of Gender and Violence

Shuffling Toward The Future

Don't Get Too Comfortable

Hollywood and Me
My Wild Ride through the Golden Age of Television
Story of Schwartz's Hebrew Delicatessen, The

Images at War
Illustrated Periodicals and Constructed Nations

Bathroom Book of Alberta Trivia
Weird, Wacky and Wild
Never Drank the Kool-Aid

Aspiring to the Landscape
On Painting and the Subject of Nature

Canadian Cultural Poesis
Essays on Canadian Culture

Reflections in a Dancing Eye
The Role of the Artist in Contemporary Canadian Society

Schwartz’s Hebrew Delicatessen
The Story

The Retrospective Review (1820-1828) and the Revival of Seventeenth Century Poetry

Niagara Companion, The
Explorers, Artists, and Writers at the Falls, from Discovery through the Twentieth Century

The Imprint of the Picturesque on Nineteenth-Century British Fiction

Reclaiming Adat
Contemporary Malaysian Film and Literature

The Empire of Mind
Digital Piracy and the Anti-Capitalist Movement

Concepts of Culture
Art, Politics, and Society

War X
Human Extensions in Battlespace

From Lowbrow to Nobrow

Fredric Wertham and the Critique of Mass Culture

Stole This from a Hockey Card
A Philosophy of Hockey, Doug Harvey, Identity and Booze