Browse Books in Popular Culture

Cold Glitter
The Untold Story of Canadian Glam

School Broadcasting in Canada

Diverging the Popular, Gender and Trauma AKA The Jessica Jones Anthology

We Oughta Know
How Céline, Shania, Alanis, and Sarah Ruled the ’90s and Changed Music

We Oughta Know
How Céline, Shania, Alanis, and Sarah Ruled the ’90s and Changed Music

Love Stories Now and Then
A History of Les romans d''amour

Clever Girl
Jurassic Park

Clever Girl
Jurassic Park

Lost and Found
How Meaningless Living is Destroying Us and Three Keys to Fix It

Animation Nation
How We Built A Cartoon Empire

Sex Work in Popular Culture

From Gum Wrappers to Richie Rich
The Materiality of Cheap Comics

Flannery at the Grammys

Tits Up
What Sex Workers, Milk Bankers, Plastic Surgeons, Bra Designers, and Witches Tell Us about Breasts

A Visual Odyssey

The Time of My Life
Dirty Dancing

Alt Kid Lit
What Children's Literature Might Be

Big Mall
Shopping for Meaning

Big Mall

Dinner on Monster Island

Girls, Interrupted
How Pop Culture is Failing Women

Girls, Interrupted: How Pop Culture is Failing Women

How to Restore a Timeline
On Violence and Memory

Misfortune and Fame
10 Reasons You Don’t Want to be Rich (or Famous)