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Browse Books in Methodology

Contemporary Vulnerabilities

Reflections on Social Justice Methodologies

edited by Claire Carter, Chelsea Temple Jones & Caitlin Janzen

Biographical Research and the Meanings of Mothering

Life Choices, Identities and Methods

contributions by Elham Amini, Laetitia Coles, Emma Cooke, Joan Cronin, Rosemary Crosse, Katarzyna Gajek, Jasneek Chawla, Fibian Lukalo, Claudia Malacrida, Michelle Millar, Jana Obrovská & Daniela Reimer
edited by Lyudmila Nurse, Lisa Moran & Kateřina Sidiropulu-Janků

Social Work Research Using Arts-Based Methods

contributions by Genevieve Guetemme, Mark Doel, Ronald P.M.H. Lay, Lucia Hervas Hermida, Caroline McDonald-Harker, Nasreen Lalani, Julie Drolet, Julie C. Moreno, Holly Feen-Calligan, Elizabeth Barton, Emma Buzzard, Marion Jackson, Sofie Vindevogel, Tijs Van Steenberghe, Fien Van Wolvelaer, Jessica De Maeyer, Mike De Kreek, Brian Kelly, David González Casas, Linda Vanina Ducca Cisneros, Paola Th.P.M. de Bruijn, Erik Jansen, Maria Regina A. Alfonso, Adrienne Mari D. Santos, Francesca Lagmay, Josefa Angelica L. Atayde, Kathleen Angela L. Bautista, Ma Imelda Matilde S. Lukban, Orna Shemer, Eitan Shahar, Margareta von Salisch & Tessa van Ham
edited by Ephrat Huss & Eltje Bos

Messy Ethics in Human Rights Work

edited by Shayna Plaut, Neil Bilotta, Lara Rosenoff Gauvin, Christina Clark-Kazak & Maritza Felices-Luna

Climate Justice and Participatory Research

Building Climate-Resilient Commons

edited by Patricia E. Perkins

Seeking a Research-Ethics Covenant in the Social Sciences

by (author) Will C. van den Hoonaard

Sensorial Investigations

A History of the Senses in Anthropology, Psychology, and Law

by (author) David Howes

Critical Research Methodologies

Ethics and Responsibilities

edited by Rose Ann Torres & Dionisio Nyaga

The Social Life of Standards

Ethnographic Methods for Local Engagement

edited by Janice E. Graham, Christina Holmes, Fiona McDonald & Regna Darnell

L’aventure de la recherche qualitative

Du questionnement à la rédaction scientifique

by (author) Stéphanie Gaudet & Dominique Robert

Practicing Ethnography

A Student Guide to Method and Methodology

by (author) Lynda Mannik & Karen McGarry

Going Public

The Art of Participatory Practice

by (author) Elizabeth Miller, Edward Little & Steven High

Experience Research Social Change

Critical Methods, Third Edition

by (author) Colleen Reid, Lorraine Greaves & Sandra Kirby

Public Anthropology

Engaging Social Issues in the Modern World

by (author) Edward J. Hedican

Research as Resistance, Second Edition

Revisiting Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches

edited by Leslie Brown & Susan Strega

A Good Book, In Theory

Making Sense Through Inquiry, Third Edition

by (author) Alan Sears & James Cairns

Demarginalizing Voices

Commitment, Emotion, and Action in Qualitative Research

edited by Jennifer M. Kilty, Maritza Felices-Luna & Sheryl C. Fabian

Crippling Epistemologies and Governance Failures

A Plea for Experimentalism

by (author) Gilles Paquet

The Dog by the Cradle, the Serpent Beneath

Some Paradoxes of Human-Animal Relationships

by (author) Erika Ritter

The Effects of Feminist Approaches on Research Methodologies

edited by Winnie Tomm

Taking Responsibility, Taking Direction

White Anti-Racism in Canada

by (author) Sheila Wilmot

Research as Resistance

Critical, Indigenous, and Anti-Oppressive Approaches

edited by Leslie Brown & Susan Strega

Walking the Tightrope

Ethical Issues for Qualitative Researchers

edited by Will C. van den Hoonaard

The Norms of Answerability

Social Theory Between Bakhtin and Habermas

by (author) Greg M. Nielsen
foreword by Caryl Emerson

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