Browse Books in Indigenous Studies

The Court of Better Fiction
Three Trials, Two Executions, and Arctic Sovereignty

Iroquois in the West

No Surrender
The Land Remains Indigenous

Clearing the Plains NEW EDITION
Disease, Politics of Starvation, and the Loss of Indigenous Life

Assembling Unity
Indigenous Politics, Gender, and the Union of BC Indian Chiefs

Canadian Justice, Indigenous Injustice
The Gerald Stanley and Colten Boushie Case

Environmental Activism on the Ground
Small Green and Indigenous Organizing

The Qaggiq Model
Toward a Theory of Inuktut Knowledge Renewal

Truth and Conviction
Donald Marshall Jr. and the Mi’kmaw Quest for Justice

Indigenous Peoples Of Canada Gr 4-6

Incorporating Culture
How Indigenous People Are Reshaping the Northwest Coast Art Industry

We All Expected to Die
Spanish Influenza in Labrador, 1918-1919

The Hands' Measure
Essays Honouring Leah Aksaajuq Otak's Contribution to Arctic Science

Imagining Child Welfare in the Spirit of Reconciliation

On This Patch of Grass
City Parks on Occupied Land

All Our Relations US Edition

A Digital Bundle
Protecting and Promoting Indigenous Knowledge Online

Potlatch as Pedagogy
Learning Through Ceremony

All Our Relations
Finding the Path Forward

Honouring Women, Life Givers, and Water Protectors

Athlii Gwaii: Upholding Haida Law on Lyell Island

The Homing Place
Indigenous and Settler Literary Legacies of the Atlantic

Northern Wildflower

Indigenous Research
Theories, Practices, and Relationships