Browse Books in Indigenous Studies

Arctic Marine Safety

Hunting Narwhal in Spring and Summer

Loss of Indigenous Eden and the Fall of Spirituality

Loss of Indigenous Eden and the Fall of Spirituality

Remaking North American Sovereignty
State Transformation in the 1860s

I Will See You Again Reader's Guide

Art and Tradition in a Time of Uprisings

Nested Federalism and Inuit Governance in the Canadian Arctic

Indigenous Empowerment through Co-management
Land Claims Boards, Wildlife Management, and Environmental Regulation

Against the Current and Into the Light
Performing History and Land in Coast Salish Territories and Vancouver's Stanley Park

The Audacity of His Enterprise
Louis Riel and the Métis Nation That Canada Never Was, 1840-1875

First Nations Self-Government
17 Roadblocks to Self-Determination, and One Chief’s Thoughts on Solutions

Indigenous Responses

Friends, Foes, and Furs
George Nelson's Lake Winnipeg Journals, 1804–1822

Friends, Foes, and Furs
George Nelson's Lake Winnipeg Journals, 1804-1822

Leading from Between
Indigenous Participation and Leadership in the Public Service

Releasing Hope
Stories of Transition from Prison to Community

Arrows in a Quiver
From Contact to the Courts in Indigenous-Canadian Relations

Knowing the Past, Facing the Future
Indigenous Education in Canada

Caring for Eeyou Istchee
Protected Area Creation on Wemindji Cree Territory

Nakón-i'a wo!: Beginning Nakoda
Nakón-i'a wo! / Beginning Nakoda

Wisdom Engaged
Traditional Knowledge for Northern Community Well-Being

Reclaiming Indigenous Governance
Reflections and Insights from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States