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Working towards Equity

Disability Rights Activism and Employment in Late Twentieth-Century Canada

by (author) Dustin Galer

The Power of Kindness

Why Empathy Is Essential in Everyday Life

by (author) Brian Goldman

Francophonies d'Amérique 40-41

Les Pays d’en haut : lieux, cultures, imaginaires

introduction by Nicole St-Onge & Yves Frenette
by (author) Laurence Arrighi, François Ouellet, Marcel Bénéteau, Charles Doutrelepont, Rachelle Gauthier, Anne Gilbert, Hans-Jurgen Greif, Gilles Havard, Yves Labrèche, Émilie LaFlèche, Dominique Laporte, Isabelle LeBlanc, Bauvarie Mounga, Nicolas Nicaise, Patrick Noel, Martin Normand, Jean-Pierre Pichette, Émilie Pigeon, Étienne Rivard, Jimmy Thibeault & Tangi Villerbu
edited by Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

Hegel and Canada

Unity of Opposites?

edited by Susan Dodd & Neil G. Robertson

Unsettling the Commons

Social Movements Within, Against, and Beyond Settler Colonialism

by (author) Craig Fortier

Working in a Multicultural World

A Guide to Developing Intercultural Competence

by (author) Luciara Nardon

Stuck in the Middle 2

Defining Views of Manitoba

by (author) Bartley Kives
by (photographer) Bryan Scott

What Moves Us

The Lives and Times of the Radical Imagination

edited by Alex Khasnabish & Max Haiven

What's in a Name?

Talking about Urban Peripheries

edited by Richard Harris & Charles Vorms


Oil, Politics, Culture

edited by Sheena Wilson, Adam Carlson & Imre Szeman

The Inheritors

Moving Forward from Generational Trauma

by (author) Gita Arian Baack

Francophonies d'Amérique 38-39

La poésie franco-canadienne de la longue décennie de 1970 (1968-1985)

introduction by Nicole St-Onge & Yves Frenette
by (author) Thierry Bissonnette, Michael Brophy, Lise Gaboury-Diallo, Julia Hains, Élise Lepage, Laurence Arrighi, Karine Gauvin, Marcel Lajeunesse, Thierry Lapointe, François Ouellet, Robert A. Papen, Andrea Pelegrí Kristic & Rémy Tremblay
edited by Centre de recherche en civilisation canadienne-française

The Unmaking of Home in Contemporary Art

by (author) Claudette Lauzon

The Art of Subtraction

Digital Adaptation and the Object Image

by (author) Bruno Lessard

Work and Labour in Canada, Third Edition

Critical Issues

by (author) Andrew Jackson & Mark P. Thomas

Classroom Action

Human Rights, Critical Activism, and Community-Based Education

by (author) Ajay Heble

Newspaper City

Toronto's Street Surfaces and the Liberal Press, 1860-1935

by (author) Phillip Gordon Mackintosh

The Unmade Bed

The Messy Truth about Men and Women in the Twenty-first Century

by (author) Stephen Marche

Regulating Creation

The Law, Ethics, and Policy of Assisted Human Reproduction

edited by Trudo Lemmens, Andrew Flavell Martin, Ian B. Lee & Cheryl Milne

Regulating Creation

The Law, Ethics, and Policy of Assisted Human Reproduction

edited by Trudo Lemmens, Andrew Flavell Martin, Ian B. Lee & Cheryl Milne

Fritz Bennewitz in India

Intercultural Theatre with Brecht and Shakespeare

by (author) Joerg Esleben
with Rohmer Rolf & David G. John

Challenging Addiction in Canadian Literature and Classrooms

by (author) Cara Fabre


The History of The Hospital for Sick Children

by (author) David Wright & The Hospital for Sick Kids
foreword by Mary Jo Haddad

A History of Anthropological Theory, Fifth Edition

by (author) Paul A. Erickson & Liam D. Murphy

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