Browse Books in Discrimination & Race Relations
Boomerang Ethics
How Racism Affects Us All
The Myth of the Age of Entitlement
Millennials, Austerity, and Hope
Policing Black Men
The Equity Myth
Racialization and Indigeneity at Canadian Universities
Remembering Air India
The Art of Public Mourning
Medicine Unbundled
A Journey through the Minefields of Indigenous Health Care
Minority Relations
Intergroup Conflict and Cooperation
Not Fit to Stay
Public Health Panics and South Asian Exclusion
The Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives
The Costa Rican Catholic Church, Social Justice, and the Rights of Workers, 1979-1996
Education of African Canadian Children
Critical Perspectives
What Killed Jane Creba
Rap, Race, and the Invention of a Gang War
On Building a Social Movement
The North American Campaign for South African Liberation
In This Together
Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation
Projections of Passing
Postwar Anxieties and Hollywood Films, 1947-1960
Indigenous Men and Masculinities
Legacies, Identities, Regeneration
Colonial Extractions
Race and Canadian Mining in Contemporary Africa
Dying from Improvement
Inquests and Inquiries into Indigenous Deaths in Custody
The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities
“I Don't See Color”
Personal and Critical Perspectives on White Privilege
Theorizing Anti-Racism
Linkages in Marxism and Critical Race Theories
Mixed Race Amnesia
Resisting the Romanticization of Multiraciality
My Life in Canada
Indigenous Healing
Exploring Traditional Paths