Browse Books in Archaeology

Before Ontario
The Archaeology of a Province

Before Ontario
The Archaeology of a Province

Underground New Brunswick
Stories of Archaeology

Network Analysis in Archaeology
New Approaches to Regional Interaction

Human Expeditions
Inspired by Bruce Trigger

Roman Slavery and Roman Material Culture

L’exploitation du phoque à l’embouchure du Saguenay par les Iroquoiens de 1000 à 1534

People of the Middle Fraser Canyon
An Archaeological History

Wadi el Hasa Archaeological Survey 1979-1931, West-Central Jordan

Human Ecology of the Canadian Prairie Ecozone 11,000 to 300 BP

The Heritage of the Circle
Early Human Occupation in British Columbia

Hidden Dimensions
The Cultural Significance of Wetland Archaeology

Haida Gwaii
Human History and Environment from the Time of Loon to the Time of the Iron People

Emerging from the Mist
Studies in Northwest Coast Culture History
Introducing Archaeology
Instructor's CD

On the High Road
The History of Godin Tepe, Iran

Light from Ancient Campfires
Archaeological Evidence for Native Lifeways on the Northern Plains

Underground Nova Scotia
Stories of Archaeology

Ladies of the Field
Early Women Archaeologists and Their Search for Adventure

Canada's Big Biblical Bargain
How McGill University Bought the Dead Sea Scrolls

The Shape of the Great Pyramid

Underground Halifax (2nd edition)
Stories of Archaeology in the City

Adventures of a Sea Hunter
In Search of Famous Shipwrecks