Browse Books in Social Science

Martin Frobisher's northwest venture, 1576-1581
Mines, minerals and metallurgy

A computer-generated dictionary of proto-Algonquian

In the shadow of the sun
Perspectives on contemporary native art

Pornography and the Sex Crisis

Crane Site and the Palaeoeskimo Period in the Western Canadian Arctic

In memoriam: Peter Lewis Paul, 1902-1989

Batza Tena, Trail to Obsidian
Archaeology at an Alaskan Obsidian Source

Meta Incognita project
Contributions to field studies

Human Ecology, Volume II
Issues in the North

The Little Book of Wrinkles
Quotations on Aging

Hey, Monias!
The Story of Raphael Ironstand

Home-Based Care, the Elderly, the Family, and the Welfare State
An International Comparison

The Life and Death of Anna Mae Aquash

Some Become Flowers
Living with Dying at Home

They Write Their Dreams on the Rock Forever
Rock Writings in the Stein River Valley of British Columbia

The Life of Illness
One Woman's Journey

Realist Criminology
Crime Control and Policing in the 1990s
Regional Economic Development
Canada's Search for Solutions (2nd Edition)

The Disruption of the Feminine in Henry James

Sexual Abuse and the Rights of Children
Reforming Canadian Law

Ending the Silence
The Origins and Treatment of Male Violence against Women

The Disruption of the Feminine in Henry James

The Rebirth of Anthropological Theory

Faces of Feminism
Photo Documentation