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Browse Books in Social Science

The Social Sciences in Canada

50 Years of National Activity by the Social Science Federation of Canada

by (author) Donald Fisher

Place to Belong

Community Order and Everyday Space in Calvert, Newfoundland

by (author) Gerald L. Pocius

It's a Working Man's Town

Male Working-Class Culture

by (author) Thomas W. Dunk

Making Fast Food

From the Frying Pan into the Fryer

by (author) Ester Reiter

Darwin Sex Status

by (author) Jerome Barkow

Integrated Circus

The New Right and the Restructuring of Global Markets

by (author) Patricia Marchak

Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories

by (author) Alexander Morris

The Monkeys of Arashiyama

Thirty-five Years of Research in Japan and the West

edited by Linda M. Fedigan & Pamela J. Asquith

Frontier and Metropolis

Regions, Cities, and Identities in Canada before 1914

by (author) J.M.S. Careless

Frontier and Metropolis

Regions, Cities, and Identities in Canada before 1914

by (author) J.M.S. Careless

Margaret McWilliams

An Interwar Feminist

by (author) Mary Kinnear

Breaking Bread

Insurgent Black Intellectual Life

by (author) bell hooks & Cornel West

What Can She Know?

Feminist Theory and the Construction of Knowledge

by (author) Lorraine Code

The Queen's People

A Study of Hegemony, Coercion, and Accommodation among the Okanagan of Canada

by (author) Peter Carstens

NESA Activities Handbook for Native and Multicultural Classrooms, Volume 2

by (author) Don Sawyer, Art Napoleon & Native Education Services Associates

The Sociology of Mennonites, Hutterites and Amish

A Bibliography with Annotations, Volume II 1977-1990

edited by Donovan E. Smucker

People's Land

Inuits, Whites and the Eastern Arctic

by (author) Hugh Brody

Petticoats and Prejudice

Women and Law in Nineteenth-Century Canada

by (author) Constance Backhouse

Conflicts of Interest

Canada and the Third World

edited by Jamie Swift & Brian Tomlinson

The Search for Political Space

by (author) Warren Magnusson

Unsettling Relations

The University as a Site of Feminist Struggles

by (author) Himani Bannerji, Linda Carty & Kari Dehli

Theopompus The Historian

by (author) Gordon S. Shrimpton

Canadian Feminism and the Law

The Women's Legal Education Fund and the Pursuit of Equality

by (author) Sherene Razack

Sweet Promises

A Reader on Indian-White Relations in Canada

edited by J.R. Miller

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