Browse Books in Social Science

Three Chinas

New Brunswick's Oldest Village

Becoming Canadians
Pioneer Sikhs in their own words

How a People Die
Ireland to North America
Emigrants from West Cork

Natural Women, Cultured Men
A Feminist Perspective on Sociological Theory

No Life Like It
Military Wives in Canada

Being Changed by Cross-Cultural Encounters
The Anthropology of Extrodinary Experience

No Life Like It
Military Wives in Canada

Oppositional Aesthetics
Readings from a Hyphenated Space

Eagle Down Is Our Law
Witsuwit'en Law, Feasts, and Land Claims

ReThinking DisAbility
New Structures, New Relationships

western Abenaki dictionary: Volume 1

Icelandic-Canadian popular verse

Kid Culture

Caring and Curing
Historical Perspectives on Women and Healing in Canada

Patterns in transition
Moccasin production and ornamentation of the Janvier Band Chipewyan

Sexual Harassment
High School Girls Speak Out

Found Treasures
Stories by Yiddish Women Writers

Threads of Arctic Prehistory
Papers in Honour of William E. Taylor, Jr.

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V5 #1

The Porcupine Hunter and Other Stories
The Original Tsimshian Texts Of Henry Tate
Governing Canada's City-Regions: Adapting Form to Function

Sex in Schools
Canadian Education & Sexual Regulation