Browse Books in Social Science

Cold Comfort
My Love Affair with the Arctic

Serial and Mass Murder
Theory, Research, and Policy
The Centre of the World at the Edge of a Continent
Cultural Studies of Cape Breton Island

Shingwauk's Vision
A History of Native Residential Schools

Out Our Way
Gay and Lesbian Life in the Country

Out Our Way
Gay and Lesbian Life in Rural Canada
Anthropology:A Student'S Guide

Social Inequality in Canada

The Pacifist Impulse in Historical Perspective

The Barbershop Singer
Inside the Social World of a Musical Hobby
Reproducing Persons
Issues in Feminist Bioethics

North Spirit
Travels Among The Cree And Ojibway Nations And Their Star Maps

Recast Dreams
Class and Gender Consciousness in Steeltown

McLuhan, or Modernism in Reverse
A Partnership of Equals
The Struggle for the Reform of Family Law in Manitoba

Rewind and Search
Conversations with the Makers and Decision-Makers of CBC Television Drama

City Lives and City Forms
Critical Research and Canadian Urbanism

Hidden Majority, The
Guidebook on Alcohol and Other Drug Issues for Counsellors Who Work with Women

La Majorité oubliée
Guide sur les questions de toxicomanie à l’intention des conseillers qui travaillent auprès des femmes

The Cassock and the Crown
Canada's Most Controversial Murder Trial

Cassock and the Crown
Canada's Most Controversial Murder Trial

Change of Plans
Towards a Non-Sexist Sustainable City

Re-Situating Identities
The Politics of Race, Ethnicity, and Culture
Perspectives on Racism and the Human Ser
A Case for Change