Browse Books in Social Science
Outsider Notes
Feminist Approaches to Nation State Ideology, Writers/Readers and Publishing
Raincoast Chronicles 17
Who Lived in this House?
A Study of Koyukuk River Semisubterranean Houses
Femmes francophones et pluralisme en milieu minoritaire
People of Sunlight, People of Starlight
Barrenland Archaeology in the Northwest Territories of Canada
History of the Native People of Canada
Volume II (1,000 B.C. – A.D. 500)
History of the Native People of Canada, Volume III (A.D. 500 – European Contact)
Part 1: Maritime Algonquian, St. Lawrence Iroquois, Ontario Iroquois, Glen Meyer/Western Basin, and Northern Algonquian Cultures
History of the Native People of Canada
Volume I (10,000-1,000 B.C.)
Micmac dictionary
Earning Respect
The Lives of Working Women in Small Town Ontario, 1920-1960
Cultures of Vision
Images, Media, and the Imaginary
The People
A Historical Guide to the First Nations of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba
The House that Jill Built
A Lesbian Nation in Formation
The Stranger Who Bore Me
Adoptee-Birth Mother Relationships
Knowledge, Experience, and Ruling
Studies in the Social Organization of Knowledge
Patriarchal Desire and Victorian Discourse
A Lacanian Reading of Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novel
Voices From Within
Women Who Have Broken the Law
Beyond Political Correctness
Toward the inclusive university
Canada Dry
Temperance Crusades before Confederation
Ideal Surroundings
Domestic Life in a Working-Class Suburb in the 1920s
Feminism in Women's Detective Fiction
Patriarchal Desire and Victorian Discourse
A Lacanian Reading of Anthony Trollope's Palliser Novel
Social Working
An Ethnography of Front-line Practice