Browse Books in Social Science

Leviathan Transformed
Seven National States in the New Century

Households of Faith
Family, Gender, and Community in Canada, 1760-1969

The Rip
True Stories of Stock Brokerage Corruption

Structuring Identities in Contemporary Life
Reclaiming Aboriginal Justice, Identity, and Community

The Madwoman in the Academy
43 Women Boldly Take on the Ivory Tower

Monuments of Progress
Modernization and Public Health in Mexico City, 1876-1910

Ten Thousand Scorpions
The Search for the Queen of Sheba's Gold

What Dying People Want
Lessons for Living from People Who Are Dying

Dilemmas of Reconciliation
Cases and Concepts

The Hot and the Cold
Ills of Humans and Maize in Native Mexico

Aging and Demographic Change in Canadian Context

Women, Health, and Nation
Canada and the United States since 1945

How We Eat
Appetite, Culture, and the Psychology of Food

One Dead Indian
The Premier, the Police, and the Ipperwash Crisis

Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering, and Corruption

Managing a Legal and Ethical Social Work Practice

Seeing Ourselves
Exploring Race, Ethnicity and Culture

No-Nonsense Guide to Class, Caste, and Hierarchies

Scenes from a Handmade Life

Dropped Threads 2
More of What We Aren't Told

Getting Started on Social Analysis in Canada, Fourth Edition

Fair Cop
Learning the Art of Policing

The Book About Taking Space