Browse Books in Social Science

Where the Boys Are
Cinemas of Masculinity and Youth

The Mathematics of Marriage
Dynamic Nonlinear Models

Conscience subalterne, conscience identitaire
La voix des femmes assistées au sein des organisations féministes et communautaires

Troubling Women's Studies
Pasts, Presents and Possibilities

Molly's Veil

Obedient Autonomy
Chinese Intellectuals and the Achievement of Orderly Life

What Is a Crime?
Defining Criminal Conduct in Contemporary Society

Social Work
A Critical Turn

Salmon Fishing - Kit
Investigations into Probability

True Confessions

What Do They Call a Fisherman?
Men, Gender, and Restructuring in the Newfoundland Fishery

Global Game, Local Arena
Restructuring in Corner Brook, Newfoundland

First Nations in the Twenty-First Century
Contemporary Educational Frontiers

Gay Male Pornography
An Issue of Sex Discrimination

A Nuu-chah-nulth Worldview

Negotiated Memory
Doukhobor Autobiographical Discourse

The Red Man's on the Warpath
The Image of the "Indian" and the Second World War

Engaging Equity
New Perspectives on Anti-Racist Education

Between Myself and Them
Stories Of Life With Disability

Honey, We Lost the Kids
Re-thinking childhood in the multimedia age

Mediterranean reconsidered
Representations, emergences, recompositions

Yeenoo dài' k'è'tr'ijilkai' ganagwaandaii / Long ago sewing we will remember
The story of the Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project

Comment se pensent le Nous et le Moi dans l'espace mythique des nomades septentrionaux sekani

Mi'kmaq and Maliseet cultural ancestral material
National collections from the Canadian Museum of Civilization