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Browse Books in Social Science

Paddling to Where I Stand

Agnes Alfred, Qwiqwasutinuxw Noblewoman

edited by Martine J. Reid & Daisy Sewid-Smith

Social and Cultural Change

by (author) David Last, Franklin Pinch & Douglas L. Bland


An Oral History of Nunavut

by (author) John R. Bennett & Susan Rowley

Inside Corporate U

Women In The Academy Speak Out

edited by Merilee Reimer

Looking for My Country

Finding Myself in America

by (author) Robert Macneil

Mother Outlaws

Theories and Practices of Empowered Mothering

edited by Andrea O'Reilly

Woman of the World

Mary McGeachy and International Cooperation

by (author) Mary Kinnear

Dark Threats and White Knights

The Somalia Affair, Peacekeeping, and the New Imperialism

by (author) Sherene Razack

The Museum at the End of the World

Encounters in the Russian Far East

by (author) Alexia Bloch & Laurel Kendall

Into the Blue

by (author) Andrea Curtis

Witching Culture

Folklore and Neo-Paganism in America

by (author) Sabina Magliocco

Saint-Laurent, Manitoba

Evolving Métis Identities, 1850-1914

by (author) Nicole St-Onge

Acquainted With The Night

by (author) Christopher Dewdney

Using Alternative Health Therapies

A Qualitative Analysis

by (author) Jacqueline Low

Uncertain Business

Risk, Insurance, and the Limits of Knowledge

by (author) Aaron Doyle & Richard V. Ericson

Mamma Mia!

Good Italian Girls Talk Back

compiled by Maria Coletta McLean

Disciplining Dissent

The Curbing of Free Expression in Academia and the Media

edited by William Bruneau & James Turk

The Canadianization Movement

Emergence, Survival, and Success

by (author) Jeffrey Cormier

Reconceiving Midwifery

by (author) Ivy Lynn Bourgeault, Cecilia Benoit & Robbie Davis-Floyd


by (author) Jane Billinghurst

Common and Contested Ground

A Human and Environmental History of the Northwestern Plains

by (author) Theodore Binnema

Sociology and Mass Culture

Durkheim, Mills, and Baudrillard

by (author) Patricia Cormack

Chee Chee

A Study of Aboriginal Suicide

by (author) Al Evans

Ethical Canary

Science, Society, and the Human Spirit

by (author) Margaret Somerville

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