Browse Books in Social Science

I Will Fear No Evil
Ojibwa-Missionary Encounters Along the Berens River, 1875-1940

Schooling and Difference in Africa
Democratic Challenges in a Contemporary Context

Straightedge Youth
Complexity and Contradictions of a Subculture

A Common Hunger
Land Rights in Canada and South Africa

The Polite Revolution
Perfecting the Canadian Dream

The Ursula Franklin Reader
Pacifism as a Map

Questioning Sociology
Canadian Perspectives

Trail of the Spirit
Mysteries of Medicine Power Revealed

Journal of Prisoners on Prisons V15 #1

Divine Hiddenness and Human Reason

Nobody's Mother
Life Without Kids

With Every Mistake

Translating Montreal
Episodes in the Life of a Divided City
The Italian Immigration Experience in Canada
Discourse and Community
Multidisciplinary Studies of Canadian Culture

Canadian Television Today

The Letters of Margaret Butcher
Missionary-Imperialism on the North Pacific Coast

Vikings to U-Boats
The German Experience in Newfoundland and Labrador

Glooscap Legends

Social Reproduction
Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-Liberalism

An Illustrated Short History of Progress
Gender of Psychology

Trans/forming Feminisms
Trans-feminist Voices Speak Out

Waiting for Macedonia
Identity in a Changing World