Browse Books in Social Science

Biphobia: Deal With It
and be more than a bystander

On Class

Crip Up the Kitchen
Tools, Tips and Recipes for the Disabled Cook

Intercommunal Warfare and Ethnic Peacemaking
The Dynamics of Urban Violence in Central Asia

Jerry Lewis Told Me I Was Going To Die

Bernie Bros Gone Woke
Class, Identity, Neoliberalism

Making a Home
Assisted Living in the Community for Young Disabled People

Slave King
Rebels Against Empire - A Novel

Park Cruising
What Happens When We Wander Off the Path

Sex, Sexuality, and the Constitution
Enshrining the Right to Sexual Autonomy in Japan

Ukrainian Ritual on the Prairies
Growing a Ukrainian Canadian Identity

Neighbours Helping Neighbours
The Story of Good Neighbours Food Centre

Upholding Indigenous Economic Relationships
Nehiyawak Narratives

Global Libidinal Economy

Tom's Story
My 16 Year Friendship with a Homeless Man

Under Pressure
Diamond Mining and Everyday Life in Northern Canada
Under Pressure
Diamond Mining and Everyday Life in Northern Canada

Realizing a Good Life
Men’s Pathways out of Drugs and Crime

Sensorial Investigations
A History of the Senses in Anthropology, Psychology, and Law

Philanthropic Response to Disasters
Gifts, Givers and Consequences

Fear of a Black Nation
Race, Sex, and Security in Sixties Montreal

Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change
Expressions of Inequity in Southern Alberta

Possibilities of Justice in Canadian Literatures