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Browse Books in Social Science

Cross-Border Cosmopolitans

The Making of a Pan-African North America

by (author) Wendell Nii Laryea Adjetey

Walking Together, Working Together

Engaging Wisdom for Indigenous Well-Being

edited by Leslie Main Johnson & Janelle Marie Baker

Aum Shinrikyo and religious terrorism in Japanese collective memory

by (author) Rin Ushiyama

Kurds in Dark Times

New Perspectives on Violence and Resistance in Turkey

edited by Ayça Alemdaroglu & Fatma Müge Göçek
contributions by Metin Atmaca, Janet Klein, Baris Ünlü, Michael Ferguson, Gullistan Yarkin, Deniz Duruiz, Sefika Kumral, Ali Keles, Delal Aydin, Amy Bartholomew, Rusen Firat Güllüoglu, Emine Rezzan Karaman, Hazal Atay & Nisa Göksel
afterword by Hamit Bozarslan


Why Reconciliation Fails Indigenous People and How to Fix It

by (author) Bruce McIvor

The Three Deaths of Cerro de San Pedro

Four Centuries of Extractivism in a Small Mexican Mining Town

by (author) Daviken Studnicki-Gizbert

The Domestication of Human Trafficking

Law, Policing, and Prosecution in Canada

by (author) Katrin Roots

Hard Is the Journey

Stories of Chinese Settlement in British Columbia's Kootenay

by (author) Lily Chow

Towards a Productive Aesthetics

Contemporary and Historical Interventions in Blake and Brecht

by (author) Keith O'Regan

Back to the Stone Age

Race and Prehistory in Contemporary Culture

by (author) Ben Pitcher

Just One Rain Away

The Ethnography of River-City Flood Control

by (author) Stephanie C. Kane

Zygmunt Bauman and the Theory of Culture

by (author) Dariusz Brzeziński
translated by Katarzyna Bartoszyńska

Place Matters

Critical Topographies in Word and Image

edited by Jonathan Bordo & Blake Fitzpatrick
prologue by W.J.T. Mitchell


Tales of the Northern Sasquatch

by (author) Red Grossinger
foreword by Yakeleya Raymond
narrator John Heerema

Unsettling the University

Confronting the Colonial Foundations of US Higher Education

by (author) Sharon Stein

HIV, Sex and Sexuality in Later Life

edited by Mark Henrickson, Casey Charles, Shiv Ganesh, Sulaimon Giwa, Kan Diana Kwok & Tetyana Semigina

Eating the Ocean

Seafood and Consumer Culture in Canada

by (author) Brian Payne

People of the Saltwater

An Ethnography of Git lax m'oon

by (author) Charles R. Menzies

Forging Diasporic Citizenship

Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer

by (author) Gül Çalışkan

A Diary to My Babies

Journeying through Pregnancy Loss

by (author) Carmen Grover

We Animals (Revised Edition)

(Revised Edition)

by (author) Jo-Anne McArthur

Containing Childhood

Space and Identity in Children's Literature

edited by Danielle Russell

From Charity to Change

Inside the World of Canadian Foundations

by (author) Hilary M. Pearson

The Legitimacy Clash

Challenges to Democracy in Multinational States

by (author) Alain-G Gagnon

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