Browse Books in Social Science

The Age of Insecurity
Coming Together as Things Fall Apart

Cosmology and Shamanism

"The Caribou Taste Different Now"
Inuit Elders Observe Climate Change

Kangiryuarmiut Inuinnaqtun
Uqauhiitaa Numiktitirutait Dictionary

Utkuhiksalingmiut Uqauhiitigut
Dictionary of Utkuhiksalingmiut Inuktitut Postbase Suffixes

Inuit Languages and Dialects
Inuit Uqausiqatigiit

Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit
Shamanism and Reintegrating Wrongdoers into the Community

Social Work Research Using Arts-Based Methods

Laughing Back at Empire
The Grassroots Activism of The Asianadian Magazine, 1978–1985

Yiddish Cinema
The Drama of Troubled Communication

The Criminal Justice System on Trial

Peace and Good Order
The Case for Indigenous Justice in Canada

No Harmless Power
The Life and Times of the Ukrainian Anarchist Nestor Makhno

Canada in Afghanistan
A story of military, diplomatic, political and media failure 2003-2023

Making Gender
Big Pharma, HPV Vaccine Policy, and Women's Ontological Decision-Making

New Generation Korean Workbook
Advanced Level

New Generation Korean
Advanced Level
An Introduction to Family Social Work

Kiss the Red Stairs
The Holocaust, Once Removed: A Memoir

Sporting Justice
The Chatham Coloured All-Stars and Black Baseball in Southwestern Ontario, 1915–1958

The Mosaic Myth
The Social Integration of Newcomers to Canada

Messy Ethics in Human Rights Work

The Party Family
Revolutionary Attachments and the Gendered Origins of State Power in China

Loyal Till Death
Indians and the North-West Rebellion