Browse Books in Social Science

Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership

First Year Out
A Transition Story

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

Getting Past 'the Pimp'
Management in the Sex Industry

Haircuts by Children and Other Evidence for a New Social Contract
And Other Evidence for a New Social Contract

Intercultural Deliberation and the Politics of Minority Rights

Governing Irregular Migration
Bordering Culture, Labour, and Security in Spain

Breaking News?
Politics, Journalism, and Infotainment on Quebec Television

From Loss to Liberation

Carry the Torch / A Lasting Legacy

Picturing Social Problems

Girl Positive
How Girls Are Shaping a New World

The Evolving Feminine Ballet Body

Religion and Public Discourse in an Age of Transition
Reflections on Bahá’í Practice and Thought

The Technological Introject
Friedrich Kittler between Implementation and the Incalculable

Vernacular Catholicism, Vernacular Saints
Selva J. Raj on "Being Catholic the Tamil Way"

Family Matters, Third Edition
An Introduction to Family Sociology in Canada

An Introduction to Global Health, Third Edition

Global Perspectives on ADHD
Social Dimensions of Diagnosis and Treatment in Sixteen Countries

Unsettling the Commons
Social Movements Against, Within, and Beyond Settler Colonialism

In the Children's Best Interests
Unaccompanied Children in American-Occupied Germany, 1945-1952

Ethics in Everyday Places
Mapping Moral Stress, Distress, and Injury

Ms. Prime Minister
Gender, Media, and Leadership

The Textbook and the Lecture
Education in the Age of New Media