Browse Books in Social Science

The Sir Mortimer B. Davis Jewish General Hospital

The Fruitful City
The Enduring Power of the Urban Food Forest

A Survivor's Journey
From Victim to Advocate

No Choice
The 30-Year Fight for Abortion on Prince Edward Island

Speculative Harvests
Financialization, Food, and Agriculture

There’s Something In The Water
Environmental Racism in Indigenous & Black Communities

From Flappers to Rappers
The Origins, Evolution, and Demise of Youth Culture

Damming the Peace
The hidden costs of the Site C Dam

Northwest Native Harvest

Breastfeeding and Culture
Discourses and Representation

Homophobia in the Hallways
Heterosexism and Transphobia in Canadian Catholic Schools

The House of Charlemagne

Diagnosing the Legacy
The Discovery, Research, and Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes in Indigenous Youth

California Calling
A Self-Interrogation

Like Everyone Else but Different
The Paradoxical Success of Canadian Jews

Just Watch Us
RCMP Surveillance of the Women’s Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada

Just Watch Us
RCMP Surveillance of the Women's Liberation Movement in Cold War Canada

Like Everyone Else but Different
The Paradoxical Success of Canadian Jews, Second Edition

Report of an Inquiry into an Injustice
Begade Shutagot'ine and the Sahtu Treaty

Dignity Endures

Constructions of Time and History in the Pre-Columbian Andes
Japanese Working Man

Drugs and Crime
A Complex Relationship. Third revised and expanded edition

Today's Youth and Mental Health
Hope, Power, and Resilience