Browse Books in Religion

Ifá Divination, Knowledge, Power, and Performance

Entre ciel et mère
Spirituallité, vie de famille et autres acrobaties

Developing the Lonergan Legacy
Historical, Theoretical, and Existential Issues

Along the Red Road

Borderline Exegesis

Excusez-moi je suis en deuil

A Season of Ashes
One family's journey from pain back to beauty

Reading Sacred Scripture
Voices from the History of Biblical Interpretation

Spiritual Taxonomies and Ritual Authority
Platonists, Priests, and Gnostics in the Third Century C.E.

The Incarnate Word
Volume 8

Law's Religion
Religious Difference and the Claims of Constitutionalism

The Ordering of the Christian Mind
Karl Barth and Theological Rationality

A Faith for the Future
Stories from an Urban Church

Au quotidien... Carême 2016

Mappila Muslim Culture
How a Historic Muslim Community in India Has Blended Tradition and Modernity

Empire Erotics and Messianic Economies of Desire

Canadian Women Shaping Diasporic Religious Identities

Understanding the Consecrated Life in Canada
Critical Essays on Contemporary Trends

With Us Always
Daily Devotions Framed by the Movies

Commentaries On The Gospel Of Thomas

Fundamentals of New Testament Textual Criticism

One Thousand Gifts Devotional
Reflections on Finding Everyday Graces

The Lost Gospel
Decoding the Ancient Text that Reveals Jesus' Marriage to Mary Magdalene