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Browse Books in Religion

Au risque de la conversion

L'expérience québécoise de la mission au XXe siècle (1945–1980)

by (author) Catherine Foisy

Présence nue (numérique ePub)

L'accompagnement des personnes souffrantes

by (author) Claude Mailloux

Prier autrement (numérique ePub)

À l'écoute des évangiles

by (author) André Myre

Praying with the Senses

Contemporary Orthodox Christian Spirituality in Practice

edited by Sonja Luehrmann
contributions by Tom Boylston, Jeffers Engelhardt, Jeanne Kormina, Simion Pop, Daria Dubovka, Angie Heo & Vlad Naumescu

The Monk's Cell

Ritual and Knowledge in American Contemplative Christianity

by (author) Paula Pryce

Religion and Public Discourse in an Age of Transition

Reflections on Bahá’í Practice and Thought

edited by Geoffrey Cameron & Benjamin Schewel

Vernacular Catholicism, Vernacular Saints

Selva J. Raj on "Being Catholic the Tamil Way"

edited by Reid B. Locklin

The Legacy of Wilfred Cantwell Smith

edited by Ellen Bradshaw Aitken & Arvind Sharma

The Challenge is in the Naming

A Theological Journey

by (author) Lydia Neufeld Harder
foreword by Kimberly Penner & Susanne Guenther Loewen

The Quran, Epic and Apocalypse

Epic and Apocalypse

by (author) Todd Lawson

The Roman Martyrs

Introduction, Translations, and Commentary

by (author) Michael Lapidge

The Spirit of Early Evangelicalism

True Religion in a Modern World

by (author) D. Bruce Hindmarsh

Born Again

My Journey from Fundamentalism to Freedom

by (author) Tom Harpur

Vatican II and Beyond

The Changing Mission and Identity of Canadian Women Religious

by (author) Rosa Bruno-Jofré, Heidi MacDonald & Elizabeth M. Smyth

Boundless Dominion

Providence, Politics, and the Early Canadian Presbyterian Worldview

by (author) Denis McKim

Leaving Christianity

Changing Allegiances in Canada since 1945

by (author) Brian Clarke & Stuart Macdonald

En quoi je croîs (numérique ePub)

Petit essai d'autobiographie spirituelle

by (author) Dominique Boisvert

Cape Breton's Christmas, Book 4

edited by Ronald Caplan

The Rebirth of Bodh Gaya

Buddhism and the Making of a World Heritage Site

by (author) David Geary
series edited by K. Sivaramakrishnan, Padma Kaimal & Anand A. Yang

Securitized Citizens

Canadian Muslims' Experiences of Race Relations and Identity Formation Post-9/11

by (author) Baljit Nagra

God and Government

Martin Luther's Political Thought

by (author) Jarrett A. Carty

The Wonder of the Greatest Gift

An Interactive Family Celebration of Advent

by (author) Ann Voskamp

Everyday Sacred

Religion in Contemporary Quebec

edited by Hillary Kaell

Why I Believe

Daily Devotions on Faith & Discipleship

edited by Alydia Smith

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