Browse Books in Religion

Georgette Faniel, le don total
Biographie spirituelle

Beyond Accommodation
Everyday Narratives of Muslim Canadians

The Penguin Book of Hell

Religious Journeys in India
Pilgrims, Tourists, and Travelers

Au quotidien... Carême 2019

Carnet Prière Avent 2018
Seigneur, que devons-nous faire?

Reading J. Z. Smith
Interviews and Essay

Survival Guide for the Soul
How to Flourish Spiritually in a World that Pressures Us to Achieve

Nine Nights of the Goddess
The Navar?tri Festival in South Asia

Ethics without Self, Dharma without Atman
Western and Buddhist Philosophical Traditions in Dialogue

My Year of Dirt and Water
Journal of a Zen Monk's Wife in Japan

Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism

Exploring Religion and Diversity in Canada
People, Practice and Possibility

Jewish Theology Unbound

Philo of Alexandria and the Construction of Jewishness in Early Christian Writings

Erasmus and His Books

Contesting Conversion
Genealogy, Circumcision, and Identity in Ancient Judaism and Christianity

Al Rashid Mosque
Building Canadian Muslim Communities

Freud and Monotheism
Moses and the Violent Origins of Religion

The Moribund Portal
Spectral Resonance and the Numen of the Gallows

Paul and the Gentile Problem

Vivre son âge (numérique PDF)
Pistes de réflexion spirituelle

Sacred Ritual, Profane Space
The Roman House as Early Christian Meeting Place

Vivre son âge
Pistes de réflexion spirituelle