Browse Books in Religion

Practice Resurrection Study Guide

Losing Control
Canada’s Social Conservatives in the Age of Rights

Performing the Reformation
Public Ritual in the City of Luther

Now What?
A Practical Guide to Dealing with Aging, Illness and Dying

Reforming Japan
The Woman’s Christian Temperance Union in the Meiji Period

Collected Works of Erasmus
Expositions of the Psalms, Volume 65

Gate of the Heart
Understanding the Writings of the Báb

Women's Spirituality
Contemporary Feminist Approaches to Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Goddess Worship

No-Nonsense Guide to Religion

Wild Geese
Buddhism in Canada

The Celestial Tradition
A Study of Ezra Pound’s The Cantos

God Is.
My Search for Faith in a Secular World

Les femmes pauvres
Prophètes d'une nouvelle humanité

Gender and Christianity in Medieval Europe
New Perspectives

The Spirituality of Mazes & Labyrinths

The Phenomenology of Religious Life

Into Deep Waters
Evangelical Spirituality and Maritime Calvinistic Baptist Ministers, 1790-1855

La Chair et le Souffle - Vol.5 no 1 (2010)
La religion perverse

Une histoire religieuse du Québec

Au fil des Évangiles

Missional Map-Making
Skills for Leading in Times of Transition

On Earth As It Is In Heaven