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Re: Producing Women's Dramatic History
The Politics of Playing in Toronto
Reflections on Islam
Ideas, Opinions, Arguments
Three Nights In Havana
The Limits of Transparency
Ambiguity and the History of International Finance
Power, Wealth and Global Equity
An International Relations Textbook for Africa
Mapping Postcommunist Cultures
Russia and Ukraine in the Context of Globalization
Just Dummies
Cruise Missile Testing in Canada
With Every Mistake
Living with Uncle
Canada-US Relations in an Age of Empire
A Capitol Idea
Think Tanks and U.S. Foreign Policy
Capitol Idea
Think Tanks and U.S. Foreign Policy
Empire’s Law
The American Imperial Project and the War to Remake the World
Towards a Francophone Community
Canada's Relations with France and French Africa, 1945-1968
Manchuria Under Japanese Dominion
Civil Servants and Public Policy
A Comparative Study of International Secretariats
Irrelevant or Indispensable?
The United Nations in the Twenty-first Century
Canada Among Nations, 2005
Splitting Images
Too Close For Comfort
Canada's Future Within Fortress North America
From Power Sharing to Democracy
Post-Conflict Institutions in Ethnically Divided Societies
From Power Sharing to Democracy
Post-Conflict Institutions in Ethnically Divided Societies
The Middle Power Project
Canada and the Founding of the United Nations
The New Geo-Governance
A Baroque Approach