Browse Books in State & Provincial
Duty and Choice
The Evolution of the Study of Voting and Voters

Applied Political Theory and Canadian Politics

Applied Political Theory and Canadian Politics
Canada Decentralized
Can our nation survive?

Backrooms and Beyond
Partisan Advisers and the Politics of Policy Work in Canada

Implementing and Working with the Youth Criminal Justice Act across Canada

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2009

Lions or Jellyfish
Newfoundland-Ottawa Relations since 1957

Lions or Jellyfish
Newfoundland-Ottawa Relations since 1957

Transforming Provincial Politics
The Political Economy of Canada's Provinces and Territories in the Neoliberal Era

Comparing Quebec and Ontario
Political Economy and Public Policy at the Turn of the Millennium

Femocratic Administration
Gender, Governance, and Democracy in Ontario

Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs 2008

Minority Nations in the Age of Uncertainty
New Paths to National Emancipation and Empowerment

Flight of the Eagle
A Strategic History of the United States

Democracy in Alberta
Social Credit and the Party System
Whose North?
Political Change, Political Development, and Self Government in the Northwest Territories


Grassroots Liberals
Organizing for Local and National Politics

Alberta's Day Care Controversy
From 1908 to 2009 and Beyond

Unsettled Legitimacy
Political Community, Power, and Authority in a Global Era

The West
The History of a Region in Confederation, Third Edition

Ontario Public Service Employment and Labour Law

Watching Quebec
Selected Essays