Browse Books in Essays

Canadian Issues
Essays in Honour of Henry F. Angus

Wages, Prices, Profits, and Economic Policy
Proceedings of a Conference held by the Centre for Industrial Relations, University of Toronto, 1967

Industrial Relations
Challenges and Responses

The Political Pattern

The Changing Conditions of Politics

Canadian-American Planning
The Seventh Annual Conference on Canadian-American Relations, 1965

Agenda 1970
Proposals for a Creative Politics

The Future of Canadian Federalism/L'Avenir du federalisme canadien

The Symons Medal: La médaille Symons
Twenty Years of Reflection on an Evolving Canada: Vingt ans de réflexion sur le Canada, un pays en évolution

Beneath the Surface of Things
New and Selected Essays

The Workers' Way to Freedom
and Other Council Communist Writings

Social Democracy, Capitalism, and Competition
A Manifesto

Constitutional Crossroads
Reflections on Charter Rights, Reconciliation, and Change

Class Warrior
The Selected Works of E. T. Kingsley

Legislatures in Evolution / Les législatures en transformation

The State in Transition
Challenges for Canadian Federalism

Taking Pluralism Seriously
Complex Societies under Scrutiny

Constitutionalizing Criminal Law

The Canadian Manifesto
How One Frozen Country Can Save the World

Remake the World
Essays, Reflections, Rebellions

Progress, Pluralism, and Politics
Liberalism and Colonialism, Past and Present

On Nostalgia

Crossing Borders
Essays in Honour of Ian H. Angus

Royal Progress
Canada's Monarchy in the Age of Disruption