Browse Books in Colonialism & Post-colonialism
Lives of Aboriginal Women of the Canadian Northwest and Borderlands
Aboriginal, Northern, and Community Economic Development
Papers and Retrospectives
The Riot that Never Was
The Military Shooting of Three Montrealers in 1832 and the Official Cover-up
A Fair Country
Telling Truths About Canada
Treaty Talks in British Columbia, Third Edition
Building a New Relationship
Is Canada Postcolonial?
Unsettling Canadian Literature
Decolonization and Empire
Contesting the Rhetoric and Reality of Resubordination in Southern Africa and Beyond
For Future Generations
Reconciling Gitxsan and Canadian Law
Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada, Third Edition
Current Trends and Issues
The British Ordnance Department and Canada’s Canals 1815-1855
Rulership and Colonialism in the Mpondo Kingdom (c. 1780-1867)
Robert Thorne Coryndon
Proconsular Imperialism in Southern and Eastern Africa, 1897-1925
Indigenous Pathways of Action and Freedom
Insiders and Outsiders
Alan Cairns and the Reshaping of Canadian Citizenship
Postcolonialism, Pedagogy, and Canadian Literature
Is Canada Postcolonial?
Unsettling Canadian Literature
Rulership and Colonialism in the Mpondo Kingdom (c. 1780-1867)
Protecting Indigenous Knowledge and Heritage
A Global Challenge
We Are Not You
First Nations and Canadian Modernity
We Are Not You
First Nations and Canadian Modernity
Parallel Paths
Fiduciary Doctrine and the Crown-Native Relationship in Canada
Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
Current Trends and Issues
The Native Game
Settler Perceptions of Indian/Settler Relations in Central Labrador
Imperial Dreams and Colonial Realities
British Views of Canada 1880-1914