Browse Books in Colonialism & Post-colonialism

Teacher Guide for KC Adams' Perception: A Photo Series
The Windsor Border Region

The Conflict of European and Eastern Algonkian Cultures, 1504-1700
A Study in Canadian Civilization, Second Edition

Empire and Nations
Essays in Honour of Frederic H. Soward

Bombardier Abroad
Patterns of Dispossession

Stolen City
Racial Capitalism and the Making of Winnipeg

Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg
This Is Our Territory


Unsettling the Commons
Social Movements Against, Within, and Beyond Settler Colonialism

Unsettling the Commons
Social Movements Within, Against, and Beyond Settler Colonialism

The Lomidine Files
The Untold Story of a Medical Disaster in Colonial Africa

New Treaty, New Tradition
Reconciling New Zealand and Maori Law

Representation and Citizenship

Indigenous Writes
A Guide to First Nations, Métis, & Inuit Issues in Canada

New Treaty, New Tradition
Reconciling New Zealand and Maori Law

Living on the Land
Indigenous Women’s Understanding of Place

The Creation of the British Atlantic World

Dracula Invades England
The Text, the Context, and the Reader

Time Bomb
Canada and the First Nations

The Winter We Danced
Voices from the Past, the Future, and the Idle No More Movement

A Flawed Freedom
Rethinking Southern African Liberation

Webs of Empire
Locating New Zealand's Colonial Past

Métis in Canada
History, Identity, Law and Politics