Browse Books in Poetry

The Emerald Hour
Haiku, Senryu, Tanka, and Zappai

The Plastic Heart

Shades of Green

Blues and Bliss
The Poetry of George Elliott Clarke
Poems that swim from my Brain like Rats leaving a sinking Ship

Unisex Love Poems

Feral Domicile

Seeking Balance
Conversations with BC Women in Politics

The Book Collector

Little Hunger

Tales of the Elders of Ireland

Aurora Leigh

40 dayz

Voices in the Waterfall

Bird Construction Co.
Poetry from the Banff Writing Studio 2008
The Place Where Your Soul Dwells
Selected Poems
Emergency Hallelujah
Souls in Plain Clothes
Be Calm, Honey

Wasps in a Golden Dream Hum a Strange Music


To Bite the Blue Apple