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Browse Books in Photography

Portraiture and Photography in Africa

edited by John Peffer & Elisabeth L. Cameron
contributions by Raoul Birnbaum, Jürg Schneider, Erin Haney, Erika Nimis, Z.S. Strother, Christraud M. Geary, Isolde Brielmaer, Liam Buckley, Jean Borgatti, Rowland O. Abiodun, Candace M. Keller & Till Förster

Halifax Regional Municipality (new)

photographs by Donna Barnett

Impressions of Temiskaming

A Collection of Photographs of Temiskaming, Ontario

by (author) Michael Werner
foreword by Charlie Angus


by (photographer) Lincoln Clarkes

Wilderness Paddling 2014

by (photographer) Gary McGuffin & Joanie McGuffin

The Canadian Landscape / Le Paysage Canadien 2014

Bilingual (English/French)

by (photographer) J.A. Kraulis


by (photographer) George Fischer
by (author) Jacob Richler

Exotiques Îles De La Madeleine Ever Exotic

by (photographer) George Fischer

The Official Picture

The National Film Board of Canada's Still Photography Division and the Image of Canada, 1941-1971

by (author) Carol Payne

Environnements sauvages 2014

by (photographer) Gary McGuffin & Joanie McGuffin

Lionel F. Stevenson Fifty Years of Photographs

Fifty Years of Photographs (1962-2012)

by (author) Pan Wendt

Portrait of Calgary

photographs by Andrew Peter Bradley

Photography, Memory, and Refugee Identity

The Voyage of the SS Walnut, 1948

by (author) Lynda Mannik

Saint John

by (author) Rob Roy

Birds of British Columbia

A Photographic Journey

by (author) Glenn Bartley

Maclean’s Portraits

100 Years of Celebrity, Power and Personality

by (author) Maclean's, Barbara Amiel, Joseph Boyden, Rosemary Counter & Jacob Richler

A Brief Time in Heaven

Wilderness Adventures in Canoe Country

by (author) Darryl Blazino

Prairie Gothic

Photographs by George Webber

photographs by George Webber
text by Aritha van Herk

Main Street

Towns, Villages, and Hamlets of the Great Plains

by (author) Danny Singer

Sweet Seas

Portraits of the Great Lakes

by (author) Mark Schacter

Disappearance of Darkness

Photography at the End of the Analog Era

by (photographer) Robert Burley

Imagining Winnipeg

History through the Photographs of L.B. Foote

by (author) Esyllt W. Jones

All Citizens

by (photographer) Serena McCarroll
by (author) Saara Liinamaa
by (artist) David Collier

111 West Coast Literary Portraits

Photographs by Barry Peterson and Blaise Enright

photographs by Barry Peterson & Blaise Enright

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