Browse Books in Performing Arts

In the Background
An Extra's Handbook

Cultures of Vision
Images, Media, and the Imaginary
Arts Beat
The Arts in Victoria


Selling It

Harlequin in Hogtown
George Luscombe and Toronto Workshop Productions

Complete Plays of Frances Burney
Volume 1: Comedies. Volume 2: Tragedies
Presence And Absence
The Films Of Michael Snow 1956-1991

A Measured Pace
Toward a Philosophical Understanding of the Arts of Dance

A Measured Pace
Toward a Philosophical Understanding of the Arts of Dance

Harlequin in Hogtown
George Luscombe and Toronto Workshop Productions

Contemporary Italian Filmmaking
Strategies of Subversion: Pirandello, Fellini, Scola, and the Directors of the New Generation

Canadian Drama and the Critics
Revised Edition

Pier Paolo Pasolini
Contemporary Perspectives

The Films of Andrei Tarkovsky
A Visual Fugue
By For and About
Feminist Cultural Politics

Playwriting Women
Female Voices in English Canada

Hunting Stuart and The Voice of the People

Pierrot in Petrograd
Commedia dell'Arte/ Balagan in Twentieth-Century Russian Theatre and Drama

Canadian Television Policy and the Board of Broadcast Governors, 1958-1968

Queer Looks
Perspectives on Lesbian and Gay Film and Video

Fortune, My Foe and Eros at Breakfast

Brink of Reality
New Canadian Documentary Film and Video