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Browse Books in Performing Arts


A Satirical Exposé of the Lives of the Most Outlandish Movie Directors: Welles, Hitchcock, Tarantino, and More!

by (author) Sophie Cossette

Avatar and Nature Spirituality

edited by Bron Taylor

Two Bicycles

The Work of Jean-Luc Godard and Anne-Marie Miéville

by (author) Jerry White

Regulating Screens

Issues in Broadcasting and Internet Governance for Children

by (author) André H. Caron & Ronald I. Cohen

100 Science Fiction Films

by (author) Barry Keith Grant

City Stages

Theatre and Urban Space in a Global City

by (author) Michael McKinnie

Discovering Mavor Moore

An Exploration and Eight Works for the Stage

by (author) Allan Boss

Latina/o Canadian Theatre and Performance

edited by Natalie Álvarez
general editor Ric Knowles

Roy Thomson Hall

A Portrait

by (author) William Littler & John Terauds

The Superhero Reader

edited by Charles Hatfield, Jeet Heer & Kent Worcester

Global Nollywood

The Transnational Dimensions of an African Video Film Industry

edited by Matthias Krings & Onookome Okome
contributions by Alessandro Jedlowski, Jyoti Mistry, Jordache A. Ellapen, Jonathan Haynes, Sophie Samyn, Claudia Hoffmann, Paul Ugor, Heike Becker, Katrien Pype, Giovanna Santanera, Jane Bryce & Babson Ajibade


Intersections between Canadian Literature and Film

edited by David R. Jarraway

Canadian Film (Kobo)

by (author) David Clandfield


by (author) Gordon Pinsent & George Anthony

The Perils of Pedagogy

The Works of John Greyson

by (author) Brenda Longfellow, Scott MacKenzie & Thomas Waugh

Two Letters ... And Counting!

by (author) Tony Nardi

Moving without a Body

Digital Philosophy and Choreographic Thoughts

by (author) Stamatia Portanova

Voice Acting For Dummies

by (author) David Ciccarelli & Stephanie Ciccarelli

Pain, Porn and Complicity

Women Heroes from Pygmalion to Twilight

by (author) Kathleen McConnell

The Structures of Love

Art and Politics beyond the Transference

by (author) James Penney

Reel Time

Movie Exhibitors and Movie Audiences in Prairie Canada, 1896 to 1986

by (author) Robert M. Seiler & Tamara P. Seiler

Bennewitz, Goethe, 'Faust'

German and Intercultural Stagings

by (author) David G. John

Millennial Masculinity

Men in Contemporary American Cinema

contributions by Timothy Shary, R. Barton Palmer, Christopher Sharrett, Gina Marchetti, Aaron Taylor, Caetlin Benson-Allott, Mike Chopra-Gant, Melvin Donalson, Mark Gallagher, David Greven, Claire Sisco King, Neal King, Donna Peberdy, Chris Robé & Maria San Filippo

Shakespeare for Readers' Theatre

Volume 1: Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Midsummer Night's Dream

by (author) John Poulsen

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