Browse Books in Performing Arts

Performing Animals
History, Agency, Theater

Head of Drama
The Memoir of Sydney Newman

The Science of Orphan Black
The Official Companion

Director's Cut
My Life in Film

Gaelic Cape Breton Step-Dancing
An Historical and Ethnographic Perspective

Growing up with the Hits!
Reliving The Best Time of Your Life - 1955-1989

Cosmopolitan Film Cultures in Latin America, 1896-1960

Gentlemen of the Shade
My Own Private Idaho

The Comedians
Drunks, Thieves, Scoundrels and the History of American Comedy

Canadian Performance Histories and Historiograpies
New Essays on Canadian Theatre Volume 7

Performance Studies in Canada

Amateur Movie Making
Aesthetics of the Everyday in New England Film, 1915–1960

Rock 'n' Radio
When DJs and Rock Music Ruled the Airwaves

All the World's a Stage
The Story of Vancouver's Bard on the Beach

Female Trouble
A Queer Film Classic

All the World's a Stage
The Story of Bard on the Beach

The Gothic and death

Becoming Centaur
Eighteenth-Century Masculinity and English Horsemanship

Monsters and Monstrosity in 21st-Century Film and Television

Director’s Cut
My Life in Film

Electric Pictures
A Guide to the Films, Film-Makers and Cinemas of Worthing and Shoreham

National Performance
Representing Quebec from Expo 67 to Celine Dion

The Heresy of Wu Han
His play 'Hai Jui's Dismissal' and its role in China's Cultural Revolution

Winnie Lightner
Tomboy of the Talkies