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Browse Books in Nature

When the Trees Crackle with Cold: A Cree Calendar (hard cover)


by (author) Bernice Johnson-Laxdal
illustrated by Miriam Körner

When the Trees Crackle with Cold: A Cree Calendar EBOOK


by (author) Bernice Johnson-Laxdal
illustrated by Miriam Körner

Ontario Moments

by (author) George Fischer

Crossing Home Ground

A Grassland Odyssey through Southern Interior British Columbia

by (author) David Pitt-Brooke

Towards a Prairie Atonement

by (author) Trevor Herriot
afterword by Norman Fleury

The Sustainability Dilemma

Essays on British Columbia Forest and Environmental History

by (author) Robert Griffin
with Richard A. Rajala

Imagine This Valley

Essays and Stories Celebrating the Bow Valley

edited by Stephen Legault

Casting Back

Sixty Years of Fishing and Writing

by (author) Peter McMullan

The Sky Was Copper Blue

by (author) Zack Metcalfe

Future Arctic

Field Notes from a World on the Edge

by (author) Edward Struzik

Lighthouses of Nova Scotia

Discovering their history and heritage

by (author) Allan Billard

Striving for Environmental Sustainability in a Complex World

Canadian Experiences

by (author) George Francis

Wildlife, Land, and People

A Century of Change in Prairie Canada

by (author) Donald Wetherell

Wildlife, Land, and People

A Century of Change in Prairie Canada

by (author) Donald G. Wetherell

Water Policy Reform in Southern Alberta

An Advocacy Coalition Approach

by (author) B. Timothy Heinmiller

A River Captured

The Columbia River Treaty and Catastrophic Change

by (author) Eileen Delehanty Pearkes

Remembering the Don 2-Book Bundle

Remembering the Don / Tales of the Don

by (author) Charles Sauriol

Reinventing Prosperity

Managing Economic Growth to Reduce Unemployment, Inequality and Climate Change

by (author) Graeme Maxton & Jorgen Randers
foreword by David Suzuki

Porcupines to Polar Bears

Adventures of a Wildlife Veterinarian

by (author) Jerry Haigh

North America in the Anthropocene

by (author) Robert William Sandford

Live Close to Home

by (author) Peter Denton

Letters to My Grandchildren

Wisdom and Inspiration from One of the Most Important Thinkers on the Planet

by (author) David Suzuki

The Hidden Life of Trees

What They Feel, How They Communicate—Discoveries from A Secret World

by (author) Peter Wohlleben
foreword by Tim Flannery
translated by Jane Billinghurst
contributions by Suzanne Simard

Last of the Buffalo Return to the Wild

edited by Harvey Locke
with Leroy Little Bear, Jennifer Rutkair & George Colpitts

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