Browse Books in Nature

Animal Tracks of Minnesota and Wisconsin

Animal Tracks of Alaska

Into the Fire
The Fight to Save Fort McMurray

Florida Manatees
Biology, Behavior, and Conservation

Just Cool It!
The Climate Crisis and What We Can Do - A Post-Paris Agreement Game Plan

The Carbon Code
How You Can Become a Climate Change Hero

Energy Humanities
An Anthology

Breaking the Ice
Canada, Sovereignty, and the Arctic Extended Continental Shelf

Best Nova Scotia Beaches
27 Top Seashore Spots for Sun, Sand and Surf

The Sacred Herb / The Devil's Weed

Inside the Inferno
A Firefighter's Story of the Brotherhood That Saved Fort McMurray

Butterflies of Ontario & Eastern Canada


Common Birds of Interior British Columbia
Okanagan and Rocky Mountains

The Sea Was in Their Blood
The Disappearance of the Miss Ally's Five-Man Crew

Our Place
Changing the Nature of Alberta

Building Natural Ponds
Create a Clean, Algae-free Pond without Pumps, Filters, or Chemicals

Plants of the Rocky Mountains

Edible and Medicinal Plants of the Rockies

The Magnificent Nahanni
The Struggle to Protect a Wild Place

How Deep Is the Lake
A Century at Chilliwack Lake

We Animals

One Last Cast
Reflections of an Outdoor Life

Nuclear Portraits
Communities, the Environment, and Public Policy