Browse Books in Nature

The World of Northern Evergreens

Wading for Bugs
Exploring Streams with the Experts

Fire Management in the American West
Forest Politics and the Rise of Megafires

Practicing Reverence
An Ethic for Sustainable Earth Communities

The Beaver Manifesto

Policies for Sustainably Managing Canada’s Forests
Tenure, Stumpage Fees, and Forest Practices

The Green Chain
Nothing is Ever Clear Cut

Beneath Cold Seas
The Underwater Wilderness of the Pacific Northwest

Mammals of Canada

Eating Dirt
Deep Forests, Big Timber, and Life with the Tree-Planting Tribe

Water in Canada
A Resource in Crisis
2012 Canadian Weather Trivia Page-a-Day Calendar

The Atlantic Coast
A Natural History

The Incomparable Honeybee & the Economics of Pollination
Revised & Updated

Empire of the Beetle
How Human Folly and a Tiny Bug Are Killing North America's Great Forests

Pillars of Evolution
Fundamental principles of the eco-evolutionary process

2012 L'almanach météorologique canadien
2012 Canadian Weather Trivia Wall Calendar

Ballad of a Freshwater Country

Following the Last Wild Wolves

Skywatchers 2012
A celestial-events calendar by Stan Shadick

Trees and Shrubs of Newfoundland and Labrador
Field Guide

Two Billion Trees and Counting
The Legacy of Edmund Zavitz

Manufacturing National Park Nature
Photography, Ecology, and the Wilderness Industry of Jasper