Browse Books in Music
CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 3
Many are strong among the strangers
Canadian songs of immigration
A Theory for all Music
Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of Non-Western Forms
R. Murray Schafer
A Theory for all Music
Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of Non-Western Forms
CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 2
Idiophones and membranophones
Musique traditionnelle pour accordéon diatonique
Philippe Bruneau
The Emigrant Experience
Songs of Highland Emigrants in North America
As it comes
Folk fiddling in Prince George, British Columbia
CCFCS collection of musical instruments: Volume 1
Musical traditions of the Labrador coast Inuit
Musical life of the Blood Indians
Bella Coola Indian music
A study of the interaction between Northwest Coast Indian structures and their functional contex
Folk fiddling in Canada
A sampling
Musique traditionnelle pour violon
Jean Carignan
Canadian Music of the Twentieth Century
Folk music in a Newfoundland outport
Folk music of Canada's oldest Polish community / La musique traditionnelle de la plus ancienne communauté polonaise du Canada
Inuit songs from Eskimo Point
The Modern Composer and His World
Vita Laudanda
Essays in Memory of Ulrich S. Leupold
Singin' About Us
Eskimo music by region
A comparative circumpolar study